So in preparing for my next international trip abroad, I was on a forum where people were getting frustrated trying to plan for purchasing gold jewelry on a tour in advance through the tour company, where a local jeweler was…

There was this loose metric I’ve heard over the years — only about 10% of Americans have a passport. To write this piece, I double checked — that was probably true fairly recently but as of 2016, America has made…
Yeah so, I’m terrible at the discipline required to regularly follow up to post things. I was always a horrible journaler for this reason. Such is life. Can’t apologize about it, I am who I am. I’m out there BEING.…
So if you’re a certain color and you go to another part of the world where a certain color like you is rarely encountered, you’re going to get stared at, touched even, etc. etc. I’ve been blessed to not encounter this…
So I was sitting on a plane on Hawaiian Airlines going from SJC to Oahu, when this much older, rheumy-eyed, fairly tall, vaguely Japanese (perhaps hapa or mixed with Hawaiian) fella turns to me, noticing I am writing on a laptop fervently.…